(from the Old Farmer's Almanac)
Increasing my knitting skills are among my personal challenges for 2010 (gosh it feels weird typing that date). I learned to knit late in 2008. I made scarves. With and without patterns. I knit hand bags and purses some designed for felting. I started a sweater in cotton yarn from Plymouth called Wild Flower. And set it down after too many false starts.
So, in 2010, I want to:
* finish the sweater
* learn to make socks
* learn to knit a cable stitch.
* finish the sweater
* learn to make socks
* learn to knit a cable stitch.
I got a head-start on sock-making over the new year holiday ..... purchased size 5 DPNs and a pattern. I had some Peace Fleece worsted that would make a good start to sock-knitting. Then, I made at least 40 unsuccessful tries at knitting the heel.
The pattern is from a Yankee Design flyer with a basic style for children, women and men. After so many tries, I determined the 'math' in the pattern was wrong. So I turned to Ravelry where I discovered "Silver's Sock Class". Now Silver is a lady who knows socks! Where the Yankee Design pattern left a lot to the imagination -- or assumed the knitter knows more than she does, Silver takes the time to describe in fine detail. She uses large, hi-resolution images. She gives lots of hints and suggestions.
I had moderate success! I got down the leg, over the heel, turned the heel, created the gusset, knit the foot and toes. Now, I just need to graft the toes and I'll be the proud owner on one hand-knit sock.
So, the question of the hour is:
Will I be able to produce a match to my one hand-knit sock?
I have no doubt that you will!
Pat go for it!!!!!
Linda x
hey - thanks for your confidence in me.....i am quite fascinated by sock-making.
Hooray! Hooray! Sock making is so addictive. Don't get frustrated by the thin sock yarns. It gets easier.... One tip with those is to double up your yarn for casting on and knitting the first round or two. I think the first little bit is the hardest with the thinner yarns.
thanks deb. really appreciate the tips. i can feel myself getting addicted ..... once i was able to make one, that is...... i love seeing the shape of the foot emerge from the yarn. and the sock yarn that is available. woohoo.
Found your blog through ???? but I too picked up knitting again by making socks. I find that making toe up 2 at a time using this free pattern No Muss No Fuss No swatch needed makes sock knitting super fun. THere is a couple of Youtube videos on the magic 8 caston for toe up socks. So easy and so much fun with self patterning yarn.
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