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Doing what comes naturally......

On this July day:
mid-70s temp
clear, dry air
bright blue sky
with lots of sunshine
A grand day altogether for doing what comes naturally.
Below are some images from my natural dyeing notebook:
Tansy for yellows
and also yarrow and dahlia

Rose Mallow gives a pale soft pink-y beige

Marigolds, of course

Flowers grown in my perennial border for
cutting, for dyeing, and visual enjoyment
My vegetable dyeing produced a soft palatte on cotton:
here are fabrics dyed with basil, woad, tansy, yarrow,
rose mallow, marigold and dahlia and more
These cottons are dyed from purchased dyestuffs:
here are
cochineal, logwood and indigo


Celeste Maia said...

How lovely to have a blouse dyed with basil, it is such a nice thought. Yesterday I stayed away from the computer all day. But this morning here I am enjoying your entries and catching up.

india flint said...

if using cotton then a pre-soak in either soy milk or dairy milk [diluted with water] is often helpful

Pat said...

Thank you India, I am just about to start another round of dyeing.....I haven't used a pre-soak in milk but will try it. Much appreciated.

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