That description fits Perri Klass, MD who really is all those things. And so much more.
It is, in fact, Perri Klass.
She was the featured speaker at the Granite State Knit-In last weekend. She told stories; read from her books and answered questions. And stayed around to sign copies of her books.
You might think that someone as accomplished as she would be pretty driven, wear a power suit, talk fast. But that is not at all how Perri Klass presents. On the contrary, she has gentle demeanor, has quiet voice, a soft way and likeable way about her.
I listened respectfully to her and enjoyed her stories. I marveled at her accomplishments. But then I began to wonder how she can do so much so well. We all do have only 24 hours every day, right? Most of us do sleep at least 7 or 8 of those hours. And then there is care of bodily needs, nutritional needs, family and friends. And a work life. Perri Klass is a pediatrician who must put in a very full week. Before she begins her part-time writing career.
By the time her presentation was over I was interested and more than a little intrigued. And, yes, I also began a love/hate relationship with her. I began to fantasize what things that mere mortals do, those must-do's, that she does not have to do. Perhaps she pays someone to do them for her. You know, the grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning, laundry, paying bills. Maybe she has a housekeeper?
So when I had a chance I did what I always do when I am dying to know something. I 'google'. And as I often do, I wonder how I ever lived without google. Among the many virtues of having a huge library at my fingertips through google, there is the joy of reading something that is 1 year, 5 years, 10, 20 or more years old about someone or something in the current popular press. And, yes, I do still marvel at the fact that I can do this without leaving home, while sipping tea, barefoot, in my pajamas.
And let me say this, about that: there has been an enormous amount written about Perri Klass. Perhaps more has been written about her than she has written herself!!!!
In brief synopsis then, this is what I learned about Perri Klass.
In 1985, when she was 27 years old, she was a student at Harvard Medical School. Had a husband and one child. And was a published author already.
She was the youngest woman ever to be published in the "Hers" column in the NY Times.
By the time she was 30, she had already been given three 'O'Henry' awards for her short stories.
She has written at least 12 books: fiction and non-fiction both.
She is medical mystery writer.
She has a regular column in a knitting magazine.
She has been published in a wide variety of publications on a broad spectrum of topics both as a solo author and with collaborators.
She is presently a professor of medicine; a professor of journalism; a practicing pediatrician; a published author who is 'always' working on a book but who does most of her writing in the summer she says.
In addition, she is the founder and medical director of a national literacy nonprofit organization.
I tell you I am plum exhausted!!

She was the featured speaker at the Granite State Knit-In last weekend. She told stories; read from her books and answered questions. And stayed around to sign copies of her books.
You might think that someone as accomplished as she would be pretty driven, wear a power suit, talk fast. But that is not at all how Perri Klass presents. On the contrary, she has gentle demeanor, has quiet voice, a soft way and likeable way about her.
I listened respectfully to her and enjoyed her stories. I marveled at her accomplishments. But then I began to wonder how she can do so much so well. We all do have only 24 hours every day, right? Most of us do sleep at least 7 or 8 of those hours. And then there is care of bodily needs, nutritional needs, family and friends. And a work life. Perri Klass is a pediatrician who must put in a very full week. Before she begins her part-time writing career.
By the time her presentation was over I was interested and more than a little intrigued. And, yes, I also began a love/hate relationship with her. I began to fantasize what things that mere mortals do, those must-do's, that she does not have to do. Perhaps she pays someone to do them for her. You know, the grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning, laundry, paying bills. Maybe she has a housekeeper?
So when I had a chance I did what I always do when I am dying to know something. I 'google'. And as I often do, I wonder how I ever lived without google. Among the many virtues of having a huge library at my fingertips through google, there is the joy of reading something that is 1 year, 5 years, 10, 20 or more years old about someone or something in the current popular press. And, yes, I do still marvel at the fact that I can do this without leaving home, while sipping tea, barefoot, in my pajamas.
And let me say this, about that: there has been an enormous amount written about Perri Klass. Perhaps more has been written about her than she has written herself!!!!
In brief synopsis then, this is what I learned about Perri Klass.
In 1985, when she was 27 years old, she was a student at Harvard Medical School. Had a husband and one child. And was a published author already.
She was the youngest woman ever to be published in the "Hers" column in the NY Times.
By the time she was 30, she had already been given three 'O'Henry' awards for her short stories.
She has written at least 12 books: fiction and non-fiction both.
She is medical mystery writer.
She has a regular column in a knitting magazine.
She has been published in a wide variety of publications on a broad spectrum of topics both as a solo author and with collaborators.
She is presently a professor of medicine; a professor of journalism; a practicing pediatrician; a published author who is 'always' working on a book but who does most of her writing in the summer she says.
In addition, she is the founder and medical director of a national literacy nonprofit organization.
I tell you I am plum exhausted!!

But she seems nice.
Although I still don't know how she does all that she does.
I don't think she has a housekeeper.......
Although I still don't know how she does all that she does.
I don't think she has a housekeeper.......
Another interesting woman to get to "know", Pat. Perri Klass sounds overwhelming. She is fascinating, accomplished, talented. Indeed how can she carry off so many fantastic endeavours? Success visited her at a very early age. That always helps...oh I am just plain envious, and yes!, she does have a housekeeper, a cook, a private masseuse, and all the things we wish for...
I think you are right. Otherwise?
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