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Wise women celebrate

I like spring, but it is too young. 
I like summer, but it is too proud. 
So I like best of all autumn, 
because its tone is mellower, 
its colours are richer,
and it is tinged with a little sorrow. 

Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, 
nor the power of summer, but of the mellowness 
and kindly wisdom of approaching age. 
It knows the limitations of life and is content."

Lin Yutang

after the heat of summer,

cool bright autumn

after the passion of youth, 

cool, quiet wisdom


wise women

celebrate the crone

the moon
at dawn
I knew myself

images uploaded by PatStudio from an original altered book entitled,
Singing With A Full Voice, 2006,
celebrating the ages of women



Yvette said...

you..wise woman with such wise work...the wisdom of autumn


Deborah said...

love the altered book and I am willing

Pat said...

thank you yvette for your lovely words.

and Deborah. yes. we are is time for us....

Jasmine said...

Beautiful post. Such gentle poetry :)

Julie said...

These are absolutely wonderful. I would love to see the entire altered book. I participated in an altered box exchange with five other women two years ago. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget.

I am celebrating the age of the crone. What are a few aches and pains compared to all the wisdom I have accumulated?

patstudio said...

oh yes, julie. i understand and share your is all about what we've acquired not what we've left behind. for a while a hosted crone ceremonies for my friends as they turned 56 ..... btw: i just took a look at your 'just julie' blog. very nice.....i see we have used similar images and symbols....

india flint said...

crone after all comes from
the crown
of wisdom and experience

patstudio said...

thank you india. i did not know that association or derivative. but i like it very much

Judy Martin said...

This is a beautiful post Pat. Yay for the wise woman archetype.

Pat said...

thank you judy. and yes, hooray for us, wise women all.

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